To carry out the development of the project with the maximum guarantee of success, we follow the following phases
Sessions to take requirements. Joint working sessions to define the scope of the project and objectives to be achieved. Application conceptualization document. Once the scope of the project is defined, it is time to conceptualize the app with those main functions and technologies to be used during the project development. App prototyping.Implementation of a basic prototype in order to test its usability.
Development of the app in different phases, according to the conceptualization made in the previous phase. Development by iterations, to be able to identify necessary changes during the development. Monitoring of the project. Review of the app by phases, and definition of improvements. Final validation of the app, and user test, for the identification and resolution of possible bugs.
App markets publication: App Store, Google Play Tracking the number of downloads. Usage statistics. Identification of new features or improvements in the development at a later stage. App maintenance.